
HE Mohammed Al KindiGovernor

H.E Dr. Ali Al ShidhaniUndersecretary for Communications and Information Technology

HE. Dr. Said Hamed Said Al RubaiiVice Chancellor

Ashraf Hamed Al MamariActing Group Chief Executive Officer

Dr. Amor bin Nasser Al Matani Chief Executive Officer

Sheikh Khalid Al HosniCEO

Sheikh Mohammed Al HarthiCEO

Sheikh Aimen Al HosniCEO

Dr. Ahmed Al BannaCEO

Dr. Ihab FikryCEO

Dr. Yousrey ElsharkawiChairman

PETER HINSSENKeynote Speaker and Author

Omar Al-MahriziChief Executive Officer | SOHAR Freezone Deputy Chief Executive Officer | SOHAR Port

Said Abdullah Al-MandhariGroup CEO

Dr. Ghalib Al HosniOSHRM President & Chief People Officer

Ayad Al BalushiChief Financial Officer

Mohammed Al QahtaniWorld Champion of Public Speaking 2015

Ghaith Al DarmakiGroup Chief Executive, Technology

Hilal Al JadidiChief Human Capital Officer,

Dr. Amer Al RawasTransformational Leader

Malek OsseiranHead of Mid Markets in MENA

Sheikh Saif Al HosniGeneral Manager

Abdulrahman Al-Obayed• Executive Vice President, HR & Shared Services • Board Trustee

Al MarcellaPresident, CEO

Abdulaziz Mansour Alosime CX Advisor, Board Member of NCXA KSA

John DoreDirector, The Senior Executive Programme

Aladdin BaitfadhilCCO

Robert GarciaVice President & Chief Staff Officer

Shaima Saleh AlHusseiniManaging Director of the Saudi Sports for All Federation

Ahmed KhedrVice- President | Retail | Digital Transformation

Hamed Al TamamiTalent Optimizer - Entrepreneur, Executive Coach, Facilitator

Amer Al FadhilManaging Director

Azzan Al KindiCEO & Co-Founder


Maryam Al ShaibaniVP Integrated Digital Solutions

Murtaza LukmaniEMEA Product Lead

Hasan Al BitarGeneral Manager (Digital Services & Growth)

Enas ElgarhyAssociate Consultant

Arpi KarapetyanGeneral Manager

Joseph FletcherVP of Experience

Ahmed AbdelmoniemSenior Learning and Development Manager

Dr. Nasser YassinMinister of Environment in Lebanon

Asma Al GhabshiHR Country Manager

Lama Al MasriGM HR Strategy Planning & Culture

Abdulla Al HamedManaging Partner

Mina WasfiLead Coach & Consultant

Amjad KhanArea Lead for Modern Workplace

Mahir Al WaheediHR Director,

Dr. Jamil Al-Shaqsi Head of Department

Dr. Maen Murdi AlqataminChairman & CEO

Sharan GohelDirector of Consulting

Abdulrahman Alyafei Corporate Trainer

Diala Laith ShahatitCustomer Success Manager

Mohamed SamirManaging Director

Dr.Asad Al HadhramCEO

Dr. Humam AljazaeriSR. Economist & Business Development Advisor

Zainab KhanSenior Consultant

Anisa Al RaissiHead of Academy

Rami AlKiswaniChief commercial Officer

Mark HigginsManaging Director, Digital Learning

Prem NairPartner & Co-Founder

Nida ShahidSr. Associate Director, Knowledge and Advisory

Mohamed AbdelkhalekCustomer Success Manager

HE Mohammed Al Kindi Governor

H.E Dr. Ali Al Shidhani Undersecretary for Communications and Information Technology
August2020, he became the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Transport, Communications and Information Technology for Communications and Information Technology.
•During2019, Dr. Ali Al Shidhani worked as the Group VP of Technology at ASYAD Group. His role was to develop and steer technology and innovation strategy for ASYAD Group.
•Between November 2014 and January 2019 ,he Worked as the Director of the Research Centers department and Acting Director of the Institute of Advanced Technology Integration, as well as the Director of the Communications and Information Sector at the Research Council of Oman.

HE. Dr. Said Hamed Said Al Rubaii Vice Chancellor
Dr. Said rose through the academic and professional echelons, culminating in his appointment as the Vice Chancellor of the University of Technology and Applied Sciences, and before that he was the Secretary General of the Education Council – one of the leading Omani institutions responsible for shaping public policy, monitoring progress and fostering development in the education sector. Holder of an English Language Diploma from the former Teachers’ Training Institute in 1986, he earned a Bachelor Degree of Education in English Language in 1990, and a Master of Arts in Education (Curriculum and Teaching Methods of English) in 1995 from Sultan Qaboos University. He pursued his academic career, completing a PhD in Education Technology at the University of Manchester in 2002.
Professionally, he was an instructor of English from 1990 to 1995, and held several administrative and academic positions at Sohar College of Education between 1995 and 1997, after which he assumed a number of offices at the Ministry of Higher Education from 1998 until 2003. He was also appointed Dean of A’Rustaq College of Education in 2003/2004, before returning, in 2004, to the Ministry of Higher Education where he held several senior positions, most notably Director General of Private Universities and Colleges, Director General of Colleges of Applied Sciences, and Academic Advisor to the Minister. Dr. Said has delivered numerous specialized trainings and workshops aimed at education professionals. He has moreover participated in several international,
regional and local conferences touching on educational topics and on developing education. Dr. Said has published a range of academic research and pedagogical works, and he is an author and co-author of a number of books.
Author :
- English Language Grammar for Arab Students. (1999). Muscat: Al-Nawras Al-Alabyadh Com. (Ibn Malik Bookshop).
- Teachers’ Education in Oman: Achievements and Ambitions. (2004). Muscat: Al - Nahdha Printing Press.
- Higher Education in the Knowledge Era: Changes, Challenges , Future & Trends. (2008). Amman, Jordan: Shorok Publishing .
- Fundamentals of English Language Grammar (2018). Amman, Jordan: Dar Al-Maseera.
- Oman : Glorious Civilization and A World of Beauty (2019). Muscat, Sultanate of Oman: Oman Establishment for Press, Publication and Announcement.
Co-author :
Self-Directed Learning: Meaning, Importance, Techniques & Implementations. (2006). Abu-Dhabi (UAE). Al-Falah Printing Press.
Tourism in the Sultanate of Oman (2009). Cairo, Egypt, Beirut Bookshop.
Translation : (Eng. to Arabic)
1. Quality Assurance in Higher Education: A Study of Developing Countries (2005).
2. Education and Globalization (2006).

Ashraf Hamed Al Mamari Acting Group Chief Executive Officer
Ashraf bin Hamad Al Mamari is currently Acting Group Chief Executive Officer of OQ and has over 19 years of experience in various organisational leadership roles, including Human Resources, Corporate Affairs, and Strategic Management. He holds a Bachelor degree in General Management from Sultan Qaboos University and currently enrolled in DBA with Coventry University.
Al Mamari has held multiple leadership positions in the energy sector in Oman and abroad. He joined OQ in 2013 as a Learning and Development Manager in one of the Company’s legacy companies, Takatuf Oman. He then worked in OQ Exploration and Production and OQ Chemicals in Germany before leading the People, Technology and Culture function of OQ. He is also a member of the Board of Directors of Abraj since 2017 and a member of the Board of Directors of Marafiq since 2023. He was previously a member of the Board of Directors of OPAL and InstOG.

Dr. Amor bin Nasser Al Matani Chief Executive Officer
Dr. Amor bin Nasser Al Matani
Oman LNG Development Foundation Chief Executive Officer
With a Degree in Instrumentation and Control Engineering and a Master of Business Administration, Dr. Amor Al Matani joined Oman LNG in 2002 as Deputy Chief Executive Officer. He holds a PhD in Sustainability and is a chairman and board member of numerous societies ( NGOs) nationwide and Oman LNG-funded Hay Al Shurooq International School (HASIS). In 2020, Al Matani became a Chief Executive Officer of Oman LNG Development Foundation due to his dedication to fostering sustainability and social responsibility at all levels. In 2023, Al Matani was appointed as a State Council Member in Oman.

Sheikh Khalid Al Hosni CEO
Khalid Alhosni is a seasoned C-Suite professional with experience in multiple industries including financial information, oil & gas logistics, facilities management, and online marketplaces. He was a member of the global internet society and the original steering group that created the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names & Numbers in 1998.
As a Chief Data Scientist, he is driven by the need for leveraging data to solve real-world business challenges. He excels in crafting effective business use-cases and is a proponent of generative AI to extract crucial Customer / User behavioral insights from unstructured data like images, videos, audio, emails, reviews, and feedback. Khalid's strength lies in simplifying complex machine learning models into straightforward business solutions that seamlessly fit into and enhance existing ERP and Digital Management systems.
Recognizing the untapped potential of large language models in leveraging Customer Leadership, Khalid has pioneered innovative approaches that have revolutionized the way organizations engage with their clientele. His task-specific language models are designed to offer unprecedented levels of customer personalization, creating a more intuitive and responsive interface that adapts to individual user needs. He has also developed predictive models that integrate seamlessly into existing systems, boosting productivity by +40% or more, using real-time data analytics to optimize workflows, automate routine tasks, and predict customer behavior, thereby enabling organizations to allocate resources more efficiently.

Sheikh Mohammed Al Harthi CEO

Sheikh Aimen Al Hosni CEO
أيمن الحوسني هو شخصية لها باع ومكانة كبيرة في قطاع الطيران والسفر في جميع أنحاء العالم. وهو الرئيس التنفيذي لمطارات عمان ، وشركة ترانزم للمناولة وترانزم ساتس الشحن. كان لأيمن الحوسني مساهمة كبيرة في قيادة عملية الانتقال والتغيير التاريخية وافتتاح مطارات مسقط وصلالة والدقم وصحار في غضون ثلاث سنوات فقط من 2015 إلى 2018
وتحولت مطارات عمان تحت قيادته إلى واحدة من أبرز شركات المطارات في العالم التي تدير 7 مطارات في عمان. تقدم مطارات عمان تجربة سفر استثنائية تعكس الضيافة العمانية مما أدى إلى اعتراف المسافرين بمطار مسقط ليكون المطار الأكثر تطورًا في 2018 و 2019 في الشرق الأوسط من قبل المجلس العالمي للمطارات ، ومطار صلالة الذي تم تصنيفه أول مطار إقليمي من فئة الخمس نجوم في الشرق الأوسط من قبل
سكاي تراكس
وفي نوفمبر 2021 ، تم التصويت على أيمن الحوسني ليكون رئيسا لمجلس إدارة المجلس العالمي للمطارات ، الذي دخل حيز التنفيذ في يناير 2022 لمدة سنتين. وهو حاليًا عضو في المجلس بمسمى رئيس سابق ، وأيضًا عضو في المجلس الإقليمي لمنطقة آسيا والمحيط الهادئ والشرق الأوسط التابع للمجلس الذي يضطلع بمهمة تعزيز الموقع الاستراتيجي للمطارات داخل صناعة الطيران بما يم ِّكن من تحقيق نمو مستدام في منطقة
آسيا والمحيط الهادئ
وبالإضافة إلى دوره الحالي في مطارات عمان ، يشغل أيمن الحوسني أيضًا مناصب تنفيذية في العديد من الشركات الدولية. وهو حاليا عضو مجلس إدارة شركة عمانتل للاتصالات ، ورئيس مجلس إدارة الشركة العمانية الوطنية للهندسة والإستثمار ، ورئيس مجلس إدارة شركة ساتس ُعمان للشحن ، ورئيس مجلس إدارة شركة ترانزم المناولة

Dr. Ahmed Al Banna CEO
Dr. Al Banna is widely respected as a strategic thinker and management practitioner. He is specialized in organizations’ capabilities focusing on key factors such as leadership, talent management and customer services through leveraging human resources.
During his career, he possessed different positions – in Public and Private sectors such as Assistant Undersecretary for Training at the Ministry of Labour - Bahrain, Chief People Officer of Gulf Air, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Bahrain Training Institute (BTI), Member of the Board of Directors of the Bahrain Labour Fund (TAMKEEN), Chairman of the International Federation of Training and Development Organizations (IFTDO) in addition to many international and regional memberships.
He has more than 30 years of experience in developing, interpreting and implementing HR and Management strategies.

Dr. Ihab Fikry CEO
Dr. Ihab Fikry serves as the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Almentor Holding. With over three decades of rich expertise in both startup environments and multinational corporations, he is a distinguished entrepreneur, acclaimed author, and researcher. Dr. Fikry has earned a reputation as a seasoned international lecturer in management sciences, dedicated to disseminating advanced management principles and practices. An Egyptian national, Dr. Fikry is currently based in Dubai. He holds a PhD in Strategic Marketing from the American University of London and an MBA from the Arab Academy for Science and Technology in Cairo.

Dr. Yousrey Elsharkawi Chairman
Yaousrey Elsharkawi
More than 33 Years of International experience in all kind of diversified business, wide & advanced range of relationships with all the key investors & traders in more than 68 countries around the globe.
Dr Elsharkawi us the cofounder and Chairman for H.O.C economic group, which consists of 3 of well known companies are located in Cairo with around 16 business arms around the globe.
Meanwhile, Dr Elsharkawi is the Chairman for EABA - Egyptian African Businessmen’s Association, one of the leaders in African business communities.

PETER HINSSEN Keynote Speaker and Author
A serial entrepreneur, advisor, keynote speaker and author, Peter is one of the most sought-after thought leaders on radical innovation, leadership and the impact of all things digital on society and business. He lectures at various business schools such as the London Business School (UK) and MIT in Boston. Peter has founded nexxworks to help organizations become fluid, innovate and thrive in 'The Day After Tomorrow'.

Omar Al-Mahrizi Chief Executive Officer | SOHAR Freezone Deputy Chief Executive Officer | SOHAR Port
Omar bin Mahmood Al Mahrizi
Chief Executive Officer | SOHAR Freezone
Deputy Chief Executive Officer | SOHAR Port
With his vast experience across a wide range of industries, Omar Al Mahrizi brings a lot to the table in leading the growth of Oman’s largest industrial area. He started his career as a lecturer at Majan University College, the first private college established in Oman, where he headed the IT department and wrote the curriculum for two new degrees. After seven years in the academic world, he took an interest in the oil and gas industry and became involved in the Sohar Refinery project as a senior IT engineer, and then moved to different middle management roles like HR, Performance Management and Change Management.
In 2016, as the Oman Global Logistics Group (ASYAD) was just forming, Omar oversaw the corporate strategy and leading a transformation programme to restructure the group in his capacity as Chief Corporate Development. His varied experience helps bring a fresh mind-set to SOHAR Freezone, and his background in IT, logistics, and project management helps to set a better communication with SOHAR investors and understand their business at a deeper level.
Omar is the Chairman of Mwasalat and a board member in Nama Holding.

Said Abdullah Al-Mandhari Group CEO
Said Al-Mandhari has started his role as a CEO of Oman ICT Group (ITHCA Group) on October 2019 after having more than 20 years of experience in the ICT sector. Prior to working for ITHCA Group, he was the CEO of Oman Broadband Company for about 6 years, managing more than 200 professionals in the IT & Telecommunication sector. He worked before that for multiple entities in the public and private sector. He was involved in multiple national projects related to the e-government initiatives. In addition to his current full-time job, Said is currently involved in multiple committees and working groups related to ICT strategies, national capacity building, SMEs and digital economy. He is also a member of multiple company’s board of directors and Industry Advisory Boards in different universities and colleges.
Said hold a master’s degree in computer engineering, and Computer Systems Engineering degree from Kent University in 2000. He is also a graduate of Executive Management Program from Berkeley University in 2018.

Dr. Ghalib Al Hosni OSHRM President & Chief People Officer
Dr. Ghalib Alhosni is a business-focused professional with over 25 years of experiences in telecommunication industry with ability to provide valuable support in the development and implementation of corporate strategies that help in achieving business results and goals. Dr. Ghalib has expertise in Business Development, HR transformation, Culture transformation, Digital Transformation, restructuring, corporate redesign and managing risk. Dr. Ghalib holds a degree in Corporate Management from Webster University in USA. He is Chair of the board of Oman Society of HRM (OSHRM) and sets at different boards. He is a board member of IFTDO and ASHRM.

Ayad Al Balushi Chief Financial Officer
Ayad Al Balushi was appointed Chief Financial Officer of Oman Investment Authority in September 2020. His diversified experience in oil and gas covers the areas of Finance & Strategy, Portfolio, Economics & Planning and Projects. His previous roles saw him hold the positions of Chief Financial Officer and Chief Portfolio Officer at Oman Oil Company Exploration & Production (OOCEP). He also led OQ’s Alternative Energy business unit. Prior to joining OQ, Ayad worked in Petroleum Development Oman and Schlumberger. He is the Chairman of Sohar Aluminum, Abraj Energy Services, and a board member in Oman Airports. He is a graduate of Oman’s National CEO Program by IMD and holds a degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Nottingham.

Mohammed Al Qahtani World Champion of Public Speaking 2015
Mohammed Qahtani, a system analyst working for Industrial Security Department in Saudi ARAMCO, certified as a database analyst from Microsoft and Oracle, certified programmer from Microsoft and SAP, Certified security system specialist from SIEMENSE. Certified Advanced Communicator GOLD (ACG) from Toastmaster international.
Mohammed Joined Toastmasters in 2009 with Northpark Toastmasters Club, and was able to win the world championship of public speaking in 2015 in Las Vegas Nevada. After beating 30,000 other competitors from all around the world.
He is the first Saudi, Arab and Muslim to ever win this title since it is launch 91 years ago. And he is also the Saudi Arabia Humorous speech champion in 2015.
Mohammed suffered from stuttering as a child but his perseverance and dedication let him to become the best speaker in the world with a speech titled “The Power of Words”
Qahtani’s Overview
Self-confidence is a trait we all wish to have. Not just in public speaking but in life in general. Growing up an introverted shy kid, he never understood the power of presenting one's self and being able to speak out until later in life. But it had changed him to be a much better person.
Qahtani’s Vision
To unleash the talent in everyone and help people to discover their passion and true calling in life. Help them to realize that nothing is impossible if you are willing to learn.
Qahtani’s Values
Believing in yourself, Determination, and capitalizing on your talent.
Qahtani’s Mission
To discover those hidden talents within you and help you figure out how to make the most of them and live your life doing what you love

Ghaith Al Darmaki Group Chief Executive, Technology
Ghaith Al Darmaki is the Group Chief Executive Technology of Asyad, the most integrated logistics group in the Middle East.
Ghaith has more than 16 years of experience in leading digital transformations in different industries, including telecom and aviation.
In his recent position, Ghaith spearheaded Oman's national carrier's digital transformation program, which led the business to its success. He has also delivered nationwide ICT projects and telecom projects locally, regionally, and internationally.
As the Group CTO at Asyad, his deep understanding of cutting-edge technologies will give him the opportunity to effectively improve the overall performance of the Group, create technology synergies with all the existing companies, and enhance technological innovations across the portfolio of existing solutions and products.

Hilal Al Jadidi Chief Human Capital Officer,
As the Chief Human Capital Officer for OMRAN Group, Hilal assumes the pivotal role of directing and managing the organization's human capital. His responsibilities encompass shaping and executing the HR strategy in alignment with OMRAN's overall business plan, with a particular focus on succession planning, talent management, change management, and organizational performance.
With an extensive 17+ years of experience in Human Capital Management, Hilal boasts a versatile background, including consulting, business development, HR strategic planning, organization development, project management, and expertise in HR policies. His career journey has seen him take on various HR roles across local and global companies in the Oil & Gas, Telecom, and Leadership Consulting sectors.
Hilal's academic achievements include a master's degree in business administration and a bachelor's degree in management from Sultan Qaboos University, coupled with additional qualifications that underline his expertise in the field.

Dr. Amer Al Rawas Transformational Leader
Transformational Leader and Artificial Intelligence Advocate
Dr. Rawas's journey at the forefront of AI began with a prestigious Ph.D. in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence from Sussex University, UK, in 1997. Today, he is a visionary leader, sought-after speaker, and advocate for the complementarity between humans and technology. Currently serving as Non-Resident Dean of the School of Business and Information Technologies at New Vision University, Georgia.
In his talks and workshops, Dr. Rawas sheds light on how AI reshapes our world, providing practical insights for navigating this new era. As an impactful coach and mentor, he empowers individuals and organizations to thrive amid change, emphasizing the enduring power of humans, the importance of emotional intelligence in an age of automation, and insights into the future of jobs. He also cultivates a growth mindset and agility, urging us to embrace change as an opportunity.
Dr. Rawas's message is one of urgency and preparedness, compelling us to recognize the rapidly approaching future and equip ourselves with the skills needed for success.

Malek Osseiran Head of Mid Markets in MENA
Based in Dubai, LinkedIn’s MENA headquarters, Malek is responsible for managing and leading LinkedIn’s business in MENA for the Mid Markets by building the ecosystem and growing the business.
Malek is an experienced individual and leader with a proven track record with over 18 years in the Fintech and Tech space. Malek was one of the founding members of LinkedIn in the Middle East Joining in February 2013, Malek has spent 10 years with LinkedIn taking on several key roles.
Prior to this Malek took on various roles in Thomson Reuters where he helped empower the major Financial Institutions in the region.
Malek holds a BA in Business Administration. His passion for how people interact with technology allowed him to pursue a MSc in Cyberpsychology in where he will be one of the few and early graduates to hold such a degree.

Sheikh Saif Al Hosni General Manager
Sheikh Saif Hilal Al Hosni is responsible for overseeing Microsoft’s operations across the Kingdom of Bahrain and the Sultanate of Oman. As the General Manager of Microsoft Bahrain & Oman, he leads the company’s strategic planning and growth initiatives that enable and empower the country’s digital transformation and sustainable economic development vision.
Prior to this role, he was the regional director SMSP for Public Sector – Microsoft Gulf since June 2015. He looks after business of Microsoft for Public Sector in Small, Medium Enterprises and Partners in Oman, Bahrain, Kuwait and Qatar and UAE.
He first joined Microsoft as public sector lead in 2009 and was appointed Business Development Manager in 2011.
Al Hosni earned his degrees in MSc in Information Systems at University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth – U.K, and B.Eng. (Honors) Information Technology at Staffordshire University Stafford – U.K. He has extensive experience and education in the areas of IT management, e-Government, IT projects management, and strategic planning as well as strong relationships within the IT community in Oman and the various government organizations.
Prior to his role at Microsoft, Al Hosni was the Director of the Computer Department at the Ministry of Finance, managing the complete daily operation of the department and all the ministry's critical IT platforms and operations.
Prior to that, Al Hosni was the Director of Computer Centre at the College of Sharia and Law, responsible for the complete operations of the computer department and all its units and services. He also worked as System Analyst at Oman International Bank where he designed and developed different software applications using RGP language and SQL.

Abdulrahman Al-Obayed • Executive Vice President, HR & Shared Services • Board Trustee
Mr. Abdulrahman M. AlObayed is the Executive Vice President for HR & Shared Services and a Trustee of the Board of Director, the Executive Committee, and the Nomination Remuneration Committee (NRC) in Saudi Investment Recycling Company (SIRC), a fully owned company by the Public Investment Fund (PIF) that champions circular economy in Saudi Arabia. He is currently spearheading numerous initiatives for HR & Shared Services that aim to springboard continuous improvement for the organization and its subsidiaries.
Prior to his stint in SIRC, he served as the Senior Vice President for Human Resources at the Saudi Electric Company (SEC) where he oversaw more than 30,000 employees. He advocated multiple HR projects that catapulted the company’s strategic transformation initiatives. He was also responsible for starting the Executive Leadership Development Center that offers programs encouraging executive intellectual growth across the Kingdom.
He attended several advanced management courses that focus on Human Resources Development, Behavioral Skills, Strategic Planning, Transformation & Innovation, Project Management, and Leadership & Supervision. He was also nominated to be part of the GE HR Executive Management Program in USA and EU as facilitated by global institutions such as the Harvard University, Standford University, Michigan University, and the GE Leadership Academy.
Mr. Abdulrahman brings with him more than 30 years of vast experience in Executive Leadership and Management. And as a frequent esteemed guest speaker and facilitator in numerous engagements both local and international, he has established his niche in the industry as a competent Leader and an Educator who continuously shares his knowledge and expertise to different audience around the world.

Al Marcella President, CEO
Al Marcella, Ph.D., CISA, CISM Dr. Marcella, President, of Business Automation Consultants, (BAC) LLC, is an internationally recognized public speaker, researcher, IT consultant, and workshop and seminar leader with 46 years of experience in IT audit, risk management, IT security, and assessing internal controls. Dr. Marcella has authored numerous articles, white papers, and 30 books on various IT, audit, and security-related subjects. Dr. Marcella’s clients include organizations in financial services, IT, banking, petrol-chemical, transportation, services industry, public utilities, telecommunications, and departments of government and nonprofits. Dr. Marcella’s fourth book on cyber forensics, “Cyber Forensics: Examining Emerging and Hybrid Technologies” a collaborative effort written with a team of six co-authors, was published by CRC Press in 2021.

Abdulaziz Mansour Alosime CX Advisor, Board Member of NCXA KSA
ABDULAZIZ is a Consultant for Strategy Planning, Performance Measurement, Projects Management, and Customer Experience. He has published many articles and studies, attended a number of conferences, and presented a number of working papers.
He is Deputy Chairman of the Customer Experience Association Board in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and a member of the International Contact Centers Association, Founder of Right Decision Consulting, he published his first book, "Customer Experience" which is the first one in Arabic language.
He was the General Supervisor of the Customer Service Center at the Ministry of Education, He has worked as a consultant in Ministry of Interior to improve services and grow non-oil revenues, Recently, He is working as a consultant to prepare a strategy to improve the customer experience in the Riyadh Municipality.
He has a Master's degree from the University of Bedfordshire from the Faculty of Computer Science with distinction, and he has many certifications, including CXAC (Cart), PMP, KPI, and CGPM.

John Dore Director, The Senior Executive Programme
John Dore is the director of the Senior Executive Programme (SEP) at London Business School (LBS), one of the world's top-ranked business schools. He is also the author of 'GLUE: Transforming Leadership in a Hybrid World', a book that offers insights and guidance on how to lead effectively in the changing world of work. At LBS, John designs and delivers learning programmes for high-calibre executives who aspire to have a greater impact in their organisations and beyond. He is passionate about helping senior leaders develop their skills, capabilities, and mindset to thrive in a hybrid world.

Aladdin Baitfadhil CCO
Mr. Aladdin Baitfadhil is the Chief Commercial Officer (CCO) at Omantel – which is the leading Integrated Telecommunications service provider in Oman. Mr. Aladdin has been the torch-bearer of Omantel’s Digital Transformation journey – responsible for driving the growth of Consumer and Enterprise lines of business across Core Telco Products, Cloud-based ICT Solutions and Emerging Technologies portfolio. He is a renowned business leader in the telecoms world with over 20 years of strategic and operational experience in diverse multi-domain roles – spanning Marketing, Sales, Network Operations, Service Delivery and Customer Experience.
Mr. Aladdin is deeply passionate about developing a future-ready workforce in the Sultanate – through ongoing people development initiatives, creating a high-performance team culture, and fostering a talent pool of next-gen leaders. He also holds executive Board positions in prestigious organizations such as Zain Group and Infoline. After acquiring his Engineering Degree (in Electrical and Electronics) from Sultan Qaboos University, Mr. Aladdin has successfully completed executive leaderships programs from globally acclaimed institutions such as Harvard Business School and London Business School.

Robert Garcia Vice President & Chief Staff Officer
Robert Garcia, Vice President & Chief Staff Officer of ICF Coaching in Organizations is responsible for organizational membership growth and leading the operations that enable global organizations to build coaching capabilities and develop a strong coaching culture. He is committed to securing customer loyalty, implementing innovative strategies to enhance productivity, and has established strong business relationships in over 50 countries. He has held senior level positions at Randstad, Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), Baptist Health, Florida International University (FIU), LHH, ADP, and United Healthcare. He is Executive Coach and is also an adjunct professor in business and human resource management at FIU.
Robert obtained an MBA at FIU and has a Bachelor of Science in Management from NSU. He has 5 HR Certifications from SHRM and HRCI including the Senior and Global HR Professional. He is an Executive Coach with the Associate Certified Coach (ACC) credential from ICF and has the Certified Association Executive (CAE) credential from ASAE. He is fluent in English and Spanish is a frequent keynote speaker at global conferences having presented in 6 continents and has visited over 90 countries.

Shaima Saleh AlHusseini Managing Director of the Saudi Sports for All Federation
Shaima is the Managing Director of the Saudi Sports for All Federation (SFA). since 2019. Throughout this journey, Shaima has led the design and implementation of a mass participation strategy for KSA, which is aligned to Vision 2030. Throughout this journey, she contributed to increasing physical activity levels from 16% to 40%; overachieving the national targets for Vision 2030.
Prior to SFA, Shaima served as a higher-education academic faculty member in the Education Sector in Saudi Arabia, where she also established and managed the Social Responsibility Department at the Institute of Public Administration in Riyadh. During her time there, she created this new department, and trained more than 8,000 employees in charities and NGOs to enhance their skills through it. In addition, she contributed to the restructuring of 14 NGOs by creating new strategies for them.
As for social accolades, Shaima has participated in several thought-leadership panels and conferences that highlight the importance of creating inclusive programs e.g., UNESCO, UN, EXPO 2020, Women Leaders Global Forum, etc.
Moreover, Shaima was recently appointed as Vice Chairman of the Arab Sports for All Federation and serves as a board member of the Saudi Arabian Olympic Academy, as well as a board member of the Saudi Golf Federation.
Shaima holds an Executive MBA from the IMD Business School in Switzerland and a Master’s degree from Boston University.

Ahmed Khedr Vice- President | Retail | Digital Transformation
Ahmed is a seasoned telecom leader with more than 26 years of diversified experience in senior leadership roles in multinational telecom organizations as Head of "Customer Care, Credit Risk mgt, Direct Distribution, Retail and Consumer Sales" with a proven track record of distinguished achievements.
Ahmed serves as Vice- President Retail | Digital Transformation in Etisalat UAE by e& where he orchestrated the retail digital transformation strategy and introduced the 1st digital store in the MENA region, and recently introduced the 1st Worls Telecom Autonomous Store powered by AI.
Ahmed is a proud winner of HH Sheikh Mohamed Ben Rashed Al-Maktoum Customer Excellence Award reflecting his passion and dedication in delivering exceptional customer experience.
Ahmed experience extends beyond telecom as certified HR by SHL, certified job evaluation by Towers-Watson and certified trainer by Logic& VFE. He holds a post graduate diploma in Digital Business from Columbia Business School & MIT and a Keynote speaker.

Hamed Al Tamami Talent Optimizer - Entrepreneur, Executive Coach, Facilitator
A Talent Optimizer and an Agent of Change, Al Tamami’s experience spans for almost four decades in the field of HR Consulting, HR Transformation, Leadership Facilitation, Executive Coaching, HR Analytics and Change Management within the public, semi public & private sectors across Middle East Region. Hamed participated in many HR conferences in Dubai and Oman as a speaker and workshops facilitator.

Amer Al Fadhil Managing Director
Engineer Amer Al Fadhil is the Managing Director of “Competence”, a Human Capital services consultancy offering services in all aspects of HR, recruitment, training and development. A US educated Engineer, Amer has served in senior management positions for various multinationals such as Petroleum Development Oman (PDO), Al Mouj Wave Muscat, Damac Group, and Sadara. Serving in the Oil & Gas, IT, Investments, Property Development and now the HR industries has seen Amer broaden his horizon, network, and international reach. This is evident from being highly successful in placing many CXO’s for top Omani companies. In addition to being a regionally renowned speaker who appears at various conferences and seminars across the region, Eng. Amer is also a graduate of the prestigious National CEO Program sponsored by the Royal Court of Diwan for an elite select. A Certified Coach, Facilitator, and trainer, Amer has led several programmes for top management in various companies.

Azzan Al Kindi CEO & Co-Founder
I started my career in Engineering & Technology at an early age, namely when I was presented with the opportunity to join a technical and engineering school at the age of 11 in the Royal Gaurd of Oman Technical School. I then continued my education at Sultan Qaboos University as a Mechanical Engineer then moved abroad to pursue a promising career in a leading Oil Services company.
My passion for technology thrust me towards pursuing a career in the entrepreneurship field and starting Rihal with my Co-founders. Rihal was born out of business needs and day-to-day nuisances, providing tailored solutions for those challenges. Rihal is quickly becoming a household name that is synonymous with quality, agility and speed of delivery.

Following a stint with KPMG in London, where he was involved in well over a 300 operational investigations and audits, Raheen Sacranie worked as a finance director and C-suite executive in numerous companies. Subsequently he branched out into consultancy, coaching and training – a role that has exposed him to over 1500 companies across the world. His experience straddles all functions and industries, including commercial, not-for-profit and the public sectors, in a career that spans over 30 years.
Specialist Experience
He specializes in addressing the knowledge gap between operations and finance, particularly in developing customised solutions aimed at enhancing operational working practices, financial management, cost optimisation, corporate governance, process re-engineering, regulatory compliance, audit investigations, communications, coaching/mentoring and other competencies.
Keynote Speaker
He is also a keynote speaker at several industry conferences, including (recently): GPCA Innovation Workshop, Institute of Management Accountants (IMA), and OSHRM HR Symposium.
Recent Clients
SABIC, KION, Dematic, OPEC, AVIVA, NATO, Almarai, Saudi Cargo, Saudi Logistics, Tasnee, KKESH, SCA, ROSHN, Mobily, BP, ALJ, Google, Apple, Central Bank of Ghana, Al Jazeera, Eumetsat, WHO, UN, WFP, UNICC, Vodafone, Omantel, Canon, AVIVA, Lloyds Bank, Barclays Bank, Press Corporation, OAMC, Mckesson, Sinopec.

Maryam Al Shaibani VP Integrated Digital Solutions
With more than 18 years of expertise leading a variety of initiatives, Maryam Al Shaibani is a committed professional who has a great desire for growth and development. Maryam is a results-driven leader with a Master's degree in Business Management and a track record of effectively managing and completing medium- and large-scale projects within Oman's energy sector. She is presently OQ's Vice President of Integrated Digital Solutions, overseeing the centralised digital solutions department and demonstrating her dedication to fostering efficiency and innovation inside the company.

Murtaza Lukmani EMEA Product Lead
Matz Lukmani (EMEA Product Lead, Performance Max & Attribution) based in London (UK) has been with Google for +9 years working on products like Google Analytics 360, Google Ads, Search Ads 360 and Firebase Analytics. He currently leads Performance Max Campaigns and Attribution offerings within Google Ads, Search Ads 360 and Google Analytics in EMEA.
He has worked over 15 years in the USA in various leadership roles at SAP, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Toys R Us, MediaCom, Triad Retail Media and PwC to name a few. He offers analytics consulting services in the field of web-analytics, predictive analytics and advanced marketing AI across a wide group of industries.

Hasan Al Bitar General Manager (Digital Services & Growth)
Hasan started his telecom experience early on in 1998 where throughout the past 25 years had lead multiple operations and commercial leadership posts giving him a hands on expertise across the Middle East & North Africa ( Saudi Arabia , Kuwait , Bahrain , Jordan , Lebanon , Sudan , Iraq)
Hasan has extensive expertise in the Middle Easter Telecom & Digital sector for transformation programs, focused on launching the Commercial departments in multiple operators and leading Intel Middle East & North Africa through digital transformation .
Prior to joining Omantel , Hasan was the Vice President in Saudi Telecom , in charge of launching the first Digital Native Telecom operator in the region “Jawwy” , also Hasan Lead MENA Regional Director for Intel (2012-2017) , Prior to Intel Corp , Hasan was in Zain as the Chief Sales Officer , Chief Strategy Officer , Chief Customer Care & Operations , Group Marketing Director, Head of Distribution for Zain Group multiple operators (2004-20012) where he was responsible for the commercial development of next generation telecom(3G, 4G , Digital operations launches) . He also worked as a a head of Distribution & Operations in Orange Jordan (1999-2004).
Key Achievements:
At Omantel ; Leading Digital Transformation with a 500% growth in Digital customer uptake ,engagement and monetization , being in charge of Strategizing and launching all of Omantel Emerging Tech footprint in addition to a P&L responsibility of non Telco revenue .
At STC ; Leading The Digital Sales & Operations successfully into Launching the First Digital Telecom operations in the MENA Region , focusing on customer acquisition , Customer Experience & Online engagement strategies that lead to over 8M youth engagements and 250K acquired youth tech savvy customers .
At Inel Corp Designing and executing key commercial and digital transformation with partners across the MENA Region (Microsoft , SAP , Google).
Leading the Multiple Sector country digital transformation within the MENA region with key government offices and leading the Intel Digital transformation in Multiple Public Sectors (Education , Health , Industrial). (Ex: UAE Education $250M project , Lebanon Education Digitization $70M , KSA Industrial Digitization (Aramco)) .
At Intel ; Leading the Consumer behavior influencing strategies (IOT , Cloud Computing , Cloud Based CRM ) at Intel to furtherly enhance and expedite digital transformation in SMB Segments & Consumers across MENA – Engaged & transformed >100,000 SMB across MENA .
At Zain Group / Jo ; Developing the Sales & Operations strategy for multiple operators across the MENA region , responsible for $800 Million revenue achievement.
Leading the overall revamp of the Sales & operations departments in Zain Key Telecom operators across the MENA region , in multiple mature and developing countries.
Strategizing & Delivering the Brand promise at Zain through focused execution on Channel mix in multiple countries (Bahrain , Jordan , KSA , Kuwait ).
Leading the Commercial transformation strategies (Marketing , Pricing , Sales , Customer Experience ) launching the first Telecom Group Brand in the region.
Leading the key transformation initiatives for the the Telecom Group in the Region at Zain Group .
Initiated Retail strategies within the region serving multiple segments (Zain , Intel , STC)
Leadership and ownership of Multi Country regional projects across Intel Corp. & Zain group .
Degrees : MBA- Management Degree from University of Liverpool University in conjunction with London Business School (UK) and a BSc. In Marketing from Lebanese American University of Beirut (Lebanon).

Enas Elgarhy Associate Consultant
Her experience extends to 20 years at international corporations, governmental and private organizations where she specializes in implementation of Human Capital Development strategies and solutions.
She is associated with CIPD as a Learning Facilitator (The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development), Expert in implementation of principled standards of Human Capital practice, including employee experience assessment and enhancement.
She is subject matter expert in advisory of Human Capital progressive practices, upskilling HR teams, leadership coaching, employee wellbeing program design, talent assessment and development, organization re-structuring advisory, and employer branding strategies. This enables organization to elevate their standards in Human Capital Management practices.

Arpi Karapetyan General Manager
Arpi Karapetyan (www.arpikarapetyan.com) is an Internationally Certified HR Professional (SHRM-SCP, SPHRi), Internationally Certified Coach (PCC), trainer, speaker, and consultant. She is the Founder and General Manager of Cascade People & Business (www.cascade.am) that offers one-stop complex HR solutions, the Founder & President of Armenian HR Association (www.hrcommunity.am) that offers a platform for HRs for networking, and the Initiator of Annual Regional Conference (www.hrconference.biz) that brings together internationally recognized professionals, experienced and inspiring guest speakers from more than 30 countries every year. Has developed jobbit tool (www.jobbit.online), a fresh approach with a novel methodology in the field of salary market research that is aimed at ensuring fast pace and flexibility through a simplified questionnaire with a complete and comprehensive analytical report for any selected position. Besides, Arpi is the Founder and Program Developer of “zoom in!” career orientation program (www.zoomin-now.com) designed to help the participants cognize their personality, identify their strengths, aspirations, capabilities, and come up with an action plan on how to develop further. She is the author of the book "The Small Book on the Big Cleanup or How We Can Change the World".

Joseph Fletcher VP of Experience
Having 25 years of experience in global UX/CX work including FlyDubai, Etisalat, IKEA, Dreamworks, Microsoft, Mastercard, Meta, Duthc Railways, and ING, Joe's role is to deliver best-in-class experiences for clients across the Middle East.
Prior to Sapient, Joe ran Design and Experience studios across Europe including for frog design and worked for Microsoft for nearly a decade on business collaboration software.

Ahmed Abdelmoniem Senior Learning and Development Manager
Ahmed is a Learning & Development Senior Professional - TEDx. Public Speaker - Learning Consultant with an experience and management skills in Training professional thrives in making maximum use of managerial and instructional skills to identify, develop, and conduct unique training programs and organize high-end professional courses.
Develops efficient workforce and employees who can achieve maximum productivity for fast growing organizations.

Dr. Nasser Yassin Minister of Environment in Lebanon
Nasser Yassin is currently the Minister of Environment in Lebanon. Before his appointment, he was a professor of Policy and Planning at the American University of Beirut (AUB). He founded in 2020 & directed the Lebanon Crisis Observatory to track the repercussions of the crises & to provide evidence and systematic analysis of various facets of the crises hitting the country.
He co-chaired the AUB4Refugees Initiative that brought together faculty in AUB responding to refugee crises. Between 2014-2020, he was the Director of Research of the Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy and International Affairs & served as the Institute's Interim Director in 2019-2020.
He holds a PhD from University College London (UCL), an MSc from London School of Economics (LSE), and an MSc and BSc from the AUB.
His research and practice interests are in development planning and policymaking in fragile and transition states. He researches and works on policy and social innovation especially in areas of refugee, youth & health policies and programs.
He is author of more than 50 internationally published peer-reviewed articles and books. His work on Syrian refugee crisis has been featured in many media channels including Al-Jazeera, BBC, The Economist, New York Times, and Deutsche Welle - among others

Asma Al Ghabshi HR Country Manager
Ms. Asma Al Ghabshi is an accomplished corporate executive with more than 16 years of local and international experience in Human Resources management. She has worked with leaders at all levels in Oman, Qatar, Egypt and the Netherlands, and has amassed a broad wealth of experiences consisting of human capital, workforce and career development, policy, training and development, operational and change management. Ms. Asma’s expertise lies in providing solutions and strategies for achieving leadership excellence and in building high performance and inclusive workplace cultures where all talent can thrive.

Lama Al Masri GM HR Strategy Planning & Culture
HR leader with over 20+ years of experience in HR and digital transformation projects in leading organizations across different industries. As HR Strategy Planning & Culture General Manager at stc Group, Lama manages HR strategy, HR digital transformation, employee experience and engagement, diversity and inclusion, and women’s empowerment across the Group. Prior to this, Lama held various positions at stc Group, and before joining stc, she held multiple positions at Saudi Aramco Oil Company, where she was recognized as a talented national leader in the HR field. Lama holds a Bachelor’s degree in Statistics of Computer Science and a Master’s degree in Human Resources Management from Texas A&M University.

Abdulla Al Hamed Managing Partner
Currently, Managing Partner of INTERMID and IDP Global since May 2016, a Board Member of IHL HARBOUR, and a Board Member of Al Ahlia Bahrain - licensed by the CBB. Over 20 years of professional experience in strategic planning, business development, project management, ICT and finance, and CLDP development; ability to analyze business requirements, identify shortcomings and opportunities, develop innovative mechanisms and cost-effective opportunities to enhance competitiveness and raise the level of performance and revenues by improving the services it provides to customers to leading teams to achieve competitiveness. A proven track record that includes establishing the E-Commerce Department at the Ministry of Industry and Commerce; Member of the negotiation team for the US-Bahrain Free Trade Agreement, and the E-Business Department at GFH, ABC and Batelco, which contributed to the development of expertise in the markets regionally and internationally. Holds MBA from the UK, the SBS Applied Master - Zurich holds a Level 4 in Guided Communication, Certified Trainer by IACT, CIPS and LEED-Energy and Environment; Board Member of the Bahrain Internet Society and Bahrain Society for Training and Development. Recipient of awards for developing the trade and industry sector 2006-2002, participated in developing Bahrain›s ICT Strategy 2007 and 2010.

Mina Wasfi Lead Coach & Consultant
Mina Wasfi is an Award-Winning Author, Business Consultant, Executive Coach, Leadership Trainer, and Talent Expert in Dubai. His vision is providing pragmatic and effective solutions to solve commercial and cognitive challenges limiting organizational and individual potential. Mina has spent most of his career path of 15 years working with HR professionals and business leaders in different continents to provide tech and smart solutions to key people-related problems; including talent acquisition, talent development, organizational development, and more. He combines hands-on experience of tech startups, multinational corporates, and community development organizations with high-level scientific and logical frameworks to provide confidence and clarity in various business fields. He has the experience of Career Development Director, Regional Talent Development Manager, and Business Consultant. His clients' profile as a consultant and coach include DIFC, Nestle, British-American Tobacco, Vodafone, General Electric, to name a few. Mina holds an MBA with Strategic Management focus from the School of Business, Victoria University, Switzerland, and has been recognized as a Talent Development Global thought leader by Edtech World Forum 2022 and Global Expansion Conference 2023. On the coaching front, Mina's latest publication “Doubt to Certainty: A Practical Guide To Finding Clarity and Confidence In Making Complex Decisions” has received a warm welcome in the business field; being a pragmatic playbook that offers multiple frameworks and process to make decision-making easier for both organizations and individuals. Mina is ICF ACC and ACHOLOGY NLP Master Practitioner. He is also RCC and a member of WABC, among other coaching communities and networks. He has coached and trained more than a 1,000 business mid-level leaders and senior executives, and over 4,000 employees in more than 15 markets.

Amjad Khan Area Lead for Modern Workplace
Amjad Khan has over 3 decades of diversified experience in the areas of enterprise software sales management, infrastructure, business productivity, security, business continuity, networking, storage, database management, business intelligence, enterprise incentive compensation and project management. As the Area Lead for Modern Workplace at Microsoft in Dubai, Amjad leads a team across Middle East responsible for helping businesses to digitally transform their organizations by leveraging technology to empower their employees to do their best work. Since joining Microsoft in 2006 in New York, Amjad has held various positions across Enterprise Sales and Global Partner Solutions teams both in the US as well as in Middle East & Africa. Amjad is known for creating high performance teams and building a culture of inclusiveness and accountability within his teams. He attracts, hires and develops world class sales leaders and teams that consistently exceed revenue, customer satisfaction and scorecard targets while also leading in emerging strategic focus areas. Outside of work Amjad is an avid cricketer, having played first class cricket and represented the US national team at international level. Amjad has also been a board member at Chinar International, a non-profit organization, focused on empowerment of "Orphans, Vulnerable Children & Marginalized Youth" in conflict areas through Education and Socioeconomic Initiatives. Amjad holds a Bachelor’s degree in Electronics & Communications engineering and a Master’s degree in Computer Science from City University in New York.

Mahir Al Waheedi HR Director,
Human Resources Director, Huawei Oman
Experience in the field of human resources and administrative development for more than 13 years

Dr. Jamil Al-Shaqsi Head of Department
Dr. Jamil Al-Shaqsi has over 20 years of teaching and research experience in academia in Oman and the UK. Dr. Jamil won a Covid-19 research grant funded by the Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation in 2021. It is entitled: Predicting and Strengthening Antibodies that Boost Immunity Against Covid-19 Disease to Develop Self-therapies by Using Machine Learning Techniques. He also won a research grant funded by The Research Council Oman in 2015. It is entitled: Mobile Speed Radar. He was awarded by HE Sheikh Tamim the Ameer of Qatar due to Excellence in the Field of Computer Science in the Gulf, 2015. Dr. Jamil won the first prize in a regional competition organized by the Institute of Engineering and Technology in the United Kingdom in 2010. His research interests include Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Data Mining and Application Development. He conducts researches on machine learning ensemble methods for data mining. He proposed a novel 3-staged clustering algorithm and an ensemble clustering algorithm in the area of data mining. In addition, he proposed a new similarity measure to calculate the similarity between data samples in a given dataset. He was part of the Mathematics and Algorithms (MAG) research group at the University of East Anglia. Has given master level labs and seminars in the School of Computer Science at University of East Anglia (UEA). He was a member of the Institute of Engineering and Technology (IET) in the UK. He has published and presented papers in many local and international conferences.

Dr. Maen Murdi Alqatamin Chairman & CEO
Dr. Maan Al-Qatamin, a distinguished economic expert and committed activist, commands a substantial following of over 2 million supporters across multiple digital platforms. In 2019, he received the prestigious Most Influential Personality Award in the economic and technological domains from the World Social Media Forum, a testament to his impact on a global scale.
Internationally renowned for his proficiency, Dr. Al-Qatamin specializes in a wide array of fields, encompassing the digital revolution, change management, institutional excellence, organizational restructuring, institutional culture, digital transformation, leadership, and entrepreneurship.
With a history of serving in influential capacities, Dr. Al-Qatamin has held key positions, including Minister of Labor and Minister of State for Investment Affairs in the Government of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. Currently, he assumes the pivotal role of Chairman of the Board of Directors at Entreviable, a cutting-edge digital platform committed to nurturing the development of entrepreneurship.

Sharan Gohel Director of Consulting

Abdulrahman Alyafei Corporate Trainer

Diala Laith Shahatit Customer Success Manager
Customer Sucess Manager with 2 years of experience building relationships with customers to ensure their success. Proven ability to identify customer needs, drive product adoption, and maximize customer lifetime value.

Mohamed Samir Managing Director
Dr. Mohamed Samir is a distinguished professional who boasts an impressive career spanning more than two decades within the pharmaceutical industry. His professional journey commenced as a pharmacist, where he meticulously honed his skills and knowledge over a span of 15 years. However, driven by a profound sense of purpose, Dr. Samir made a deliberate shift into the arena of training and Life Coaching.
Dr. Samir’s unwavering commitment to enhancing the quality of lives and igniting a sense of passion has propelled him to attain recognition as a prominent Keynote Speaker, ATD Master Trainer, and Leading Expert in the fields of Life and Career Coaching and Learning. With the prestigious “PCC” designation as an ICF Professional Certified Coach, he brings unparalleled insights and expertise to the Learning and Development (L&D) industry.
His influence extends far beyond geographical boundaries, as he customizes Training and Coaching Solutions for a diverse clientele, encompassing both regional and multinational organizations. Dr. Samir’s contributions transcend mere theory, as he stands as a co-author of the groundbreaking “Cocoon Book,” a collaborative work featuring 18 ICF ACC coaches, further solidifying his status as a preeminent thought leader in the field.
Dr. Mohamed Samir’s unyielding dedication to personal and professional growth is exemplified by his impressive track record of over 2300 coaching hours and the facilitation of more than 50 online and offline workshops, spanning the Middle East and international arenas. His legacy is one characterized by transformative impact, empowerment, and unwavering commitment to excellence.

Dr.Asad Al Hadhram CEO
Lawyer & CEO of Dr. Asad Al Hadhrami law firm

Dr. Humam Aljazaeri SR. Economist & Business Development Advisor
Dr. Humam Aljazaeri, senior economist holds PhD and Master of Science in Development Economics from SOAS, University of London, UK. Worked as a consultant to the United National Development Programme (UNDP) Syria in 2010. Performed business and investment consulting to wide number of businesses and institutions in Syria and beyond. Tutor and lecturer at number of public and private universities and academic institutions in topics of international economics, investment and public management (2009-2023). Was Head of State Planning and International Cooperation Commission and Minister of Economy and International Trade in Syria in 2013-2016. Subsequently, became head of Investment and Finance Committee at one of the largest Holding Company in Syria (2017-2020), and was Business Consultant and Financial Adviser to one of the largest Cement Group in Syria (2018-2020). Currently, he resides in Muscat, Oman as Business Development Advisor to a group of investors in Khazaen Economic City in Food Processing and Production Business

Zainab Khan Senior Consultant
Zainab is a Chartered MCIPD with a wide range of experience across the GCC working in both English and Arabic. She works with individuals and teams from graduate through to executive level, partnering with clients to ensure successful achievement of their talent goals. She is passionate about building capabilities using various tools to drive and deliver business vision and agenda. Zainab is experienced in successfully designing, executing and launching competency frameworks, succession planning programmes, and designing performance management initiatives. She has managed assessment projects including graduate recruitment, selection and development and high-potential identification. She is experienced in a range of psychometric inventories and business simulations. Zainab has managed transformation projects using change management tools to deliver organisation wise HR and culture transformation. Zainab has experience in a wide variety of industries, with her main expertise being in Government & Public sector, Financial services, Retail, Healthcare, Leisure and Entertainment and Aviation.

Anisa Al Raissi Head of Academy
As the head of New Metrics Training Academy, Anisa is passionate about reshaping the educational landscape through experiential learning. Her programs are crafted to empower individuals with practical skills that extend beyond textbooks. She believes that learning should be an immersive journey and is committed to provide an educational experience that transcends expectations. In April 2018, at the age of 34, Anisa made history by becoming the first Omani to ski the Geographic North Pole. Setting off for a challenging expedition with the unique 11-member all-female Euro-Arabian team, she crossed unforgiving, harsh, beautiful and life-changing treacherous terrain at the top of the world, finally reaching the North Pole in 8 days. This expedition was captured in a new up and coming documentary titled ‘EXPOSURE’, directed by award winning director Holly Morris. In November 2020, in celebrating the 50th Renaissance, Anisa embarked on her greatest adventure to date “YallaG0 2020” (an expedition under the Patronage of His Highness Theyazin Bin Haitham Bin Tariq Al Said). From Musandam to Mirbat, Anisa crossed Oman by kayaking and walking over 1500km, by foot, in a straight line and without deviating. As a seasoned executive leader, Anisa brings her real-world experience to executive development. With a commitment to providing innovative and practical training solutions, Anisa brings a wealth of expertise to the realm of professional development. Her mission at New Metrics Training Academy is to redefine the learning experience by emphasizing experiential learning methodologies. She believes that true mastery comes from hands-on experiences, and her programs are designed to empower individuals with practical skills that seamlessly translate into real-world success.

Rami AlKiswani Chief commercial Officer
Rami is a Chief Commercial Officer at Elevatus, a global award-winning recruitment software that automates the entire talent acquisition cycle from creating job requisitions to onboarding new hires.
Rami is a certified sales professional (CSP) with 15 years of experience in sales, business development, and account management in the technology sector.
As a visionary senior regional leader, Rami has a proven track record of spearheading revenue growth and market expansion for industry leaders. He has opened the market for multiple startups by signing strategic enterprise accounts, and he launched an educational platform that generated 2 million in revenue within 5 months. He has also increased revenue by 5X and generated 35% of net profits for one of his previous employers. Rami's core competencies include sales strategy, developing new markets, and sales and marketing. He is passionate about creating value for customers, partners, and stakeholders by delivering innovative and impactful solutions that address their needs and challenges.
Rami's success is driven by his innovative thinking, masterful collaboration skills, and extensive local and international relationships. He has established trust and credibility with clients, stakeholders, and government entities across MEA, and he has collaborated with top industry influencers to create synergies and opportunities. Rami's mission is to leverage his expertise and network to transform the healthcare industry and improve the lives of millions of people in the region. He is a true powerhouse in the business world and a role model for aspiring leaders."

Mark Higgins Managing Director, Digital Learning
Mark has been working in the eLearning industry for nearly a decade and has been based in the Middle East since 2019. He is focussed on using eLearning and digital systems to democratise learning across organisations and help Learning and Development departments train their teams at scale.

Prem Nair Partner & Co-Founder
Prem Nair is a co-founder and partner at MERP Systems, a digital transformation firm headquartered in Washington D.C., with offices in Oman and India.. He is at the forefront of guiding MERP towards cutting-edge technology integration, operational efficiency, and exceptional delivery of mission-critical support for clients. Prem’s strategic vision has been pivotal in transforming MERP into a boutique consultancy, acclaimed for its role in major transformation projects for U.S. federal agencies, including the Department of Transportation, Department of the Interior, and CDC. A key achievement under Prem's leadership is the introduction of seven innovative accelerator solutions on Microsoft AppSource, notably featuring an Azure Open AI-supported contract/policy management tool. Recognized as a hands-on technocrat, Prem is celebrated for his thought leadership, frequently contributing as a speaker and panelist at industry events. Prior to MERP, Prem made significant contributions at HCL America and Time Warner Cable and consulted for global organizations like the IMF and the World Bank. Academically accomplished, Prem holds three Master's degrees, including an MBA from the University of Maryland. He began his Ph.D. at the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) in India, but later shifted focus to a software consulting opportunity in the U.S., reflecting his commitment to practical technology application.

Nida Shahid Sr. Associate Director, Knowledge and Advisory
Nida is a passionate and entrepreneurial HR Professional with experience across diverse areas of the human capital lifecycle. She has worked on projects involving both high level strategy and ground level execution. Combination of. subject matter expertise with operational understanding and effective stakeholder management has always ensured business impact of her HR interventions. She has worked on more than 15 complex HR Transformation Projects including performance management system redesign for a large private sector bank; competency framework design and roll-out for a leading education technology firm; HR up-skilling during structural and role changes for a leading pharmaceutical firm; action plan implementation to increase employee engagement survey index for a leading insurance major. In the space of Talent Development, she has conducted assessment/development centers for over 500 participants and worked on content design, development and delivery of more than 200 learning programs across Automotive Manufacturing, FMCG, Construction, IT, BFSI, Telecom, Energy, Government and Pharmaceutical sectors for a host of behavioral and HR functional topics.

Mohamed Abdelkhalek Customer Success Manager
With over 16 years of experience in the Middle East, I am a seasoned Customer Success Manager I firmly believe that success hinges on attitude and a continuous learning journey. My role as a trusted advisor is fueled by the pleasure I find in aiding companies and large organizations to achieve their talent development objectives, leading to tangible commercial impacts and solid achievements.