Member Terms
Membership Overview
Membership is open for any professionals or specialists working in Human Resources or in Human Resource related disciplines. This also includes students at universities who are pursuing Human Resources related qualifications, subject to the following conditions:
- Members should not be less then18 years old.
- Member must not have been sentenced to a punishment for a crime or misdemeanor against honor or honesty, unless he/she were cleared of the convection.
- Good conduct
- Members must take part in the Society activities and actively participate in delivering its objectives.
- Members must commit in writing to respect the Society’s bylaws.
Members must adhere to the provisions of the Social Societies Law issued by the Royal Decree No. 14/2000 and the Article of Abscission of this Society, and should consider the joining of this Society is on a voluntary basis intended to serve the citizens and take care for their interests. Members should maximum their efforts to fulfill its goals and objectives and especially should:
- Contribute actively in all the Society activities and events within his capabilities and capacity.
- Represent the Society in a positive manner in Oman and outside Oman.
- Adhere and commit to all the Society Board of Directors and General Assembly decisions.
- Pay the annual membership fees as set by the Board of Directors and approved by General Assembly.
- Do not harm or try to harm the interest of Society in any manner
- Be a good example for the Society as a honest, good conduct and behavior person
Members have the right to attend the ordinary and extraordinary General Assembly meetings as well as to nominate themselves for the Board Directors elections after one year of their joining the Society and subject to fulfilling all the conditions set for the Board members.
Membership Cost and Levels
The cost for membership for 2016 is OMR 22 .There may be a need to increase membership dues in 2017, but this is dependent on company sponsorships. There are three membership categories.
- Human Resources Professional – This membership category is for Human Resource professionals that are working in the human resources field.
- Associated Professional – This membership category is for any other professional who would like to be associated with OSHRM.
- Student Professional – This membership category is for students actively pursuing a professional degree or certification in the area of Human Resources